Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 PIC Calendars

We are almost finished with our 2013 calendars; post/email if you'd like one, plus we willl be handing them out during January at various meetings, events, etc. and dropping them off at all the businesses and organizations that PIC works with; but we want to make them available to anyone that wants one, so let us know--we'll make sure you get a PIC calendar.

Our calendars focus on our projects and the volunteers that do such amazing work, plus we have plenty of landscape and scenery photos highlighting the unique, spectacular, and stunning public land that surrounds all of us living in Southern Nevada. 

This year we are including a monthly suggestion for a public land outing, some to very familiar places, some to out-of-the-way spots, and some are simply drives.  We also added an outdoor or safety tip to each month and we'd love to feature your ideas, favorite places, tips, so please feel free to share.  If you OK it, we'd love to post your comments and suggestions to our blog or facebook or add to our calendar--for that matter, if you have any photos you want to share, please pass them on; we'll give you credit for any photo we use and PIC would love the opportunity to share what is important to you. 

We will post each upcoming month/calendar with additional information about the outing or details about relevant items like wildflower sightings or (sadly) wildfire reports and may highlight an event or provide a brief description of the photos used.  Please feel free to forward any information you'd like included in the monthly posts; if it is relevant to public land, natural resource, conservation, volunteering, or responsible recreation issues/events, PIC would love to include it.  We want an exchange of ideas and information and welcome your comments and thoughts. 

January 2013 calendar pages will be posted soon; PIC hopes the photos will be enjoyable and the information useful. 

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