Our Vision
Partners in Conservation (PIC) will be a lasting, permanent, and significant factor in enabling citizens of rural Northeast Clark County and other rural communities in Nevada and the West to take an active role in public land, conservation, and recreational issues.
Our Mission
PIC is an information conduit that fills the gap between rural communities and government entities; develops specific partnerships to resolve conservation, recreation, and public land issues; PIC also develops specific partnerships and administers common-sense projects that provide win-win opportunities for all involved.
Our Ethics
Adherence to the law is the minimum standard of expected behavior; PIC further commits to the higher standards of transparency, integrity, and honesty. PIC also strives to achieve a level of Excellency in all we do. All staff and board members will act by these standards in all our dealings as representatives of PIC. PIC promotes a working environment that values respect, fairness and integrity. We abide by a conflict of interest policy wherein any conflict or the appearance thereof is avoided or appropriately managed through disclosure, refusal, or other means.
PIC has an active governing body of Board of Directors who are responsible for setting the mission and strategic direction of PIC, as well as overseeing its finances, operations and policies. PIC's staff have the requisite skills and experience necessary to carry out their duties and act, at all times, for the benefit of PIC and our stated vision, mission and goals.
Our Structural Organization
PIC is a #C16965-97, incorporated on August 7, 1997. TECC is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # 88-0388487.
PIC is comprised of a volunteer Board of Directors and paid Administration. These members are local, concerned citizens organized into a check-and-balance style of leadership wherein the board of directors votes on issues and receives no monetary gain from such and the administration does not vote, but implements the board of director's decisions.
* Promote Common Sense Conservation
* Improve Multiple Access
* Support Responsible Use
* Foster Wise Stewardship
* Emphasize Education, Not Exclusion
* Develop Win-Win Partnerships
* Encourage Active Involvement
* Advance Multiple Use
* Preserve and Protect Rural Lifestyles & Values
Guiding Principles
* Promote Common Sense Conservation
* Improve Multiple Access
* Support Responsible Use
* Foster Wise Stewardship
* Emphasize Education, Not Exclusion
* Develop Win-Win Partnerships
* Encourage Active Involvement
* Advance Multiple Use
* Preserve and Protect Rural Lifestyles & Values