Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Volunteer Appreciation Day -- Earth Day 4-20-2013

Partners In Conservation (PIC) is hosting our 2nd annual Earth Day this Saturday, April 20th, 2013 from 8 am until noon; this is in conjunction with our Volunteer Appreciation Day, as PIC has literally hundreds of volunteers to thank for the incredible work they have done removing tamarisks and restoring native plants along the Virgin River.

The day will start with donuts and some light work; we will work from east to west and collect all the dead tamarisks into several strategic piles.  There are multiple large logs that volunteers have also dug up over the past year (these logs have literally 20-50 or more small tamarisks growing out of each log!)--we will separate the smaller tamarisks from the large logs as this saves time when we take everything to the dumpsters (in May). 

Some folks might enjoy participating in a virtual scavenger hunt and we'll have several other activities for those who want to learn more about restoration, mitigation, and riparian habitats. 

We'll clean up any trash at the mitigation site and find a few more tamarisks to top off the piles, then it's on to a fun picnic along the Virgin River!  We'll have plenty of food and cold drinks and once everyone has been served, PIC will have a brief awards ceremony and recognize those that have volunteered repeatedly throughout the last year.  We'll honor an Individual Volunteer of the Year, a Volunteer Business of the Year, and a Volunteer Group of the Year as well as acknowledge several people who were more than helpful in making this project a success! 

Then we'll raffle off some fun prizes and have some dessert--not a bad way to spend Earth Day! 

As the flyer notes, follow the City's paved hiking trail either from Grapevine east past the Middle School tennis courts or from Hafen Park west to the Middle School; once along the trail south of the middle school's playing field, you will see PIC banners and the shade structures down by the river.  Come on down!  Everyone is welcome! 
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